Manse tour

Manse tour

We’ve been in our current pad for a couple of years now and it’s really feeling like home. Having moved a lot, it always surprises me how long the settling process takes, but perhaps it’s the same for everyone.

Anyway. Want to see some pics? Let me show you around…

As you’ll probably know, our house is a manse, which means it belongs to the church. It’s a big ol’ place, as it needs to meet certain requirements, so that meant that we needed to find lots more furniture.

Facebook Marketplace came up trumps, for sure. Our sofas were £50 each and the table and chair set was about the same. All just needed a bit of a clean up.

As allergies were an issue, we pulled up carpets, sanded and whitewashed the boards and painted the whole place white.

I like my interiors as I like my layouts: 80% white, with pops of colour that look like they’ve been picked out by an 8 year-old girl.

My top tip for making a big house feel more homely is throwing lots of stuff at selected spots on the walls.

None of our artwork is expensive and much of it is just home printouts popped in charity shop frames. I’m even happy to tape up scrapbook layouts and postcards.

My only other tip is to have out the things you really love. A favourite set of candy pink scales takes pride of place in our kitchen, alongside a second-hand bathroom caddy turned into a baking station of sorts.

I think if a certain colour or pattern makes you feel happy, that’s a great way to make a place feel more like it’s yours.

Investing in a big tub of paint in your favourite shade is a winning idea too – decorating influencer Alexandra Gater’s latest video actually showcased how much the trendsetters dislike my very favourite shade of ‘Suse Blue’, but I won’t be swayed.

This 90’s ‘Monica’s apartment-lilac’ will come right back around kids, you’ll see.

6 responses to “Manse tour”

  1. Ginny Callahan Avatar
    Ginny Callahan

    The house looks great! I love the black chairs in the sunroom. Where did you find the you can buy me ice cream print? I love it! You have been a busy lady during your break.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      Oh, thank you so much dear Ginny. Yes, those chairs were another marketplace find – all the leather furniture isn’t that cat-friendly (they love a good scratch) but thankfully it wasn’t super pricey.

      The ice cream slogan I spotted on Pinterest… it’s the wall of an ice cream shop, I think! 🙂


  2. Every Day On Display Avatar

    You’ve worked so hard, and all this homey loveliness is just blissful. After two+ years in our condo, we are thinking about what to add to the walls. This place is so different from our former house. I’ve updated colors already and find it much more soothing 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      Ah, thank you lovely one. Colours do go a long way to help a place feel like ‘you’, don’t they? xx


  3. Tiffany Julia Avatar

    Lol! I took a deep dive into Alexandra’s Studio Fix videos a month back to get ideas for this cottage-like studio I’m closing on this coming Monday! I was really disappointed she went with her tried and true Sulking Room Pink for the walls of her entry. There were a few of the blue hues that would’ve worked nicely (not necessarily the one she initially chose though). She really just doesn’t like blue too much lol! I always love looking at your space! Love the pops of color and your skills at keeping everything so minimal! Home goals right here! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      Oh Tiffany, how exciting!! A home of your own, I’m so so pleased for you!


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Welcome to the spot where puffy stickers are everything and pink is always the best option. Settle in, lovely: the kettle’s already on.

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