What she wears: Spring ’24

One of the perks of volunteering in a charity shop, is getting first dibs on any particularly cute donations.

Here are three of my favourite current outfits, showing off some of my latest thrifted finds…

It’s not quite warm enough to wear this little cotton sundress on it’s own yet, but it’s cute with some cosy layers under it.

The only slight reservation I have when wearing it, is whether someone might mistake my ‘I’d rather have the cake than be super skinny’-tum for something more newsworthy (though at my age, the cake would definitely be a safer guess).

I love a good Bardot top and couldn’t resist this pink one. These tops look really cute under dungarees too, especially with a bit of fake tan slapped on the shoulders.

I can’t wear these in the summer though, as my skin just fries in the sun, so they’re a springtime only option. Oh, to have skin that tans. *sigh*

I thought this frill-neck blouse was cute – kind of Princess Diana vibes?

I don’t often have a reason for dressing smartly, but this kind of item is useful to have in the wardrobe for those occasional smarter meals out or family gatherings.

I literally fall on anything fur when it arrives in the shop – can’t beat a lovely snuggly jacket for making you feel as cuddly as a teddy bear.

Though very often, the cutest items come in very cute sizes as they’ve been donated by tiny cute people. Ah, I was one of those once… now I just occasionally pass one on her way to the shower. 😉

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