Haiku 1: my girl

Haiku 1: my girl

(At least, I hope this is a haiku)

You’ll pick up Lego
Then towels, noodles, lashes
Your heart as she leaves

4 responses to “Haiku 1: my girl”

  1. robinsismai Avatar

    I love your layouts and the beautiful photos of your sweet girl. I always gain so much inspiration when I visit your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      You’re so so kind – thank you, Robin. I’ll run out of things to share at some point, ha ha xx


  2. Every Day On Display Avatar

    They grow up so fast – even though the individual days can seem incredibly long. The quote about “dew for the heart” is especially touching!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      They really do… if I could have just one of those early days back, it would be such a gift. Such special times that fly by so quickly! 🙂


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