Ice cream layout & kit

Today’s offering is rather a fun one: a one-page kit for all you need to make a sugar-sweet, ice-cream layout – and a ‘how to’ video too: fun!

My jumping off point for this project was spotting that cute phrase on Pinterest.

It was in the form of the sort of neon lights you use to decorate an ice-cream parlour, but I thought it would make a super fun layout title.

Here’s all you need to make this page:

* The printable (use A4 white card)
* 12×12 sheet of white cardstock
* Ice-cream hued paints
* White elements: tissue paper, tracing paper, tag
* Any enamel dots, buttons, ribbons, twine, embroidery thread you may already have
* One photo

Really hope you enjoy making this layout along with me!

2 responses to “Ice cream layout & kit”

  1. robinsismai Avatar

    so very cute Suse! Thank you for the cute kit and the video tutorial. Your layouts always inspire me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      Thank you Robin, that is so nice to hear xx


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