Friday photo walk

Friday photo walk

The weather here is so changeable that it can be gorgeous one minute and literally pouring with rain the next.

So when you suspect the sun is starting to come out, it’s worth popping on your trainers and getting out there.

When I spotted this ice cream van parked up with no one in it (always a bit embarrassing photographing vehicles with their owners in them!) I was made up: just how cute?

And I have no idea what I did to get the sea this colour (I set the camera to ‘auto’ and hope for the best!) but I kind of love it.

This is my favourite shot from today though. It’s a filled-in swimming pool (and you know how I love an old swimming pool!)

I love the curve of the wall and can just imagine delighted children running up the steps from the prom to jump into the water.

4 responses to “Friday photo walk”

  1. robinsismai Avatar

    It’s very beautiful where you live!! I take lots of photos like these when we are on vacation. Your photography skills are amazing!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      Oh you’re very kind, but they’re really not. I just set the camera to auto as I don’t understand the technicalities of photography one bit.
      But what I really enjoy is the way holding a camera as you walk makes you take in your surroundings and really become aware of things – that’s the joy for me 🙂


      1. robinsismai Avatar

        I, too, use my camera on auto focus as the settings are too intimidating. I mean that your eye for photo composition is amazing!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Suse Fish Avatar
          Suse Fish

          Thank you ever so much – that feels like the fun bit, doesn’t it? I’m glad you also have your camera set to auto (I actually quite like the ‘hope for the best’ approach, as it’s then a nice surprise when a photo comes out well, ha ha)


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