Pattern crush: caravan

We’ve had an ice cream van and a camper van, so of course, it was time for a caravan. In pink, of course 😉

I always think I’d love a caravan, but the reality is I’m an introvert who needs shed-loads of alone time… I very much doubt it would work.

But one day, maybe, I’ll have a cute retro van parked in the back garden that I can call my studio: a girl can dream.

Enjoy the printable, friends.

Download printable here

4 responses to “Pattern crush: caravan”

  1. robinsismai Avatar

    Oh Suse!! this is super cute! I love those retro style campers too!! Thank you so much!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      Yay, so glad you like them too! xx


  2. Every Day On Display Avatar

    Before hubby had to take disability retirement (stroke), we had dreams of short trips in a little camper. It’s still fun to watch YouTube videos of other people enjoying theirs. Thanks for the printable!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      Oh yes, that would have been so much fun! You know, I met a lady on the bus today who was here on holiday in her campervan with her little dog… such an adventurous spirit 🙂


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