Princess Kate printable

You know I couldn’t resist: one look at that over-sized striped bow and I knew that I needed that Princess in my little book.

Didn’t she look dreamy?

My favourite bit was Louis dancing along to the band music – what a treat that little boy is!

The Shire Horses were gorgeous too: the whole of Trooping the Colour was just such a delight to watch.

Download printable here

ps: Colour blindness strikes again! I was convinced she was wearing blue and white, but have just read it was black and white.

Gah – and we all know how much I like a good black and white striped bow 😉

4 responses to “Princess Kate printable”

  1. Every Day On Display Avatar

    Good traditions foster unity among people. What a lovely, creative way to commemorate a noble tradition! I know that sounds a little “stuffy,” but I mean it quite sincerely 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      Absolutely! I loved seeing all the crowds united in their love of the Royals – happy to be there, even in the pouring rain 🙂


  2. robinsismai Avatar

    such a cute printable and a beautiful way to mark your tradition!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      Ah, thank you Robin! xx


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