Methodist biscuits

Methodist biscuits

A rather unusual name for a cookie recipe, but it stems from a challenge to some friends to prove that church biscuits can be yummy and not the soggy “been in a tub for a month” offerings we munched on as Sunday School kids. 😉

These biccies are super simple and the lovely thing is, you can throw anything in them – choc-chips, nuts, smarties…

I once chopped up three different choccy bars that were leftover at Christmas and threw those in – yum.

You will need:

* 126g butter
* 100g light brown sugar
* 124g caster sugar
* 1 egg
* 1 tsp vanilla
* 224g flour
* 1/2 tsp salt

Once you’ve measured out the ingredients, just mix together (in order of the ingredient list) and add any chocolate bits you fancy.

Your dough will be thick and roll into balls easily.

Try not eat half of it at this stage, as I often do!

Pop your balls of dough onto a greased tray, spaced apart.

The cookies don’t need long to bake: just 7-10 minutes at 180 degrees.

When they’re just starting to brown at the very edges, whip them out – they’ll harden a bit as they cool, but still be chewy on the inside.

Heaven! Best eaten with very big mug of tea.

4 responses to “Methodist biscuits”

  1. Every Day On Display Avatar

    Your post is like a recipe from a beautiful magazine, and now I want chocolate chip cookies for breakfast… Thanks, Suse 😉😆 (Note to self: read Suse’s blogs after lunch, local time 😀)


    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      Ha ha! Well, I won’t admit that I’ve been munching these beauties at every meal since making them… very hard to resist 😉


  2. Marli R Avatar

    These sounds so lovely, especially with some chocolate thrown in!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      I’d like to say there are some left. I’d also like to say that someone else ate them… 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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