My garden: summer

My garden: summer

Well, it’s good news and bad news with my geraniums that I grew from seed.

After planting two lots and being so encouraged by all my little seedling babies, only one lot went on to become healthy, thriving plants.

It’s knocked my confidence a little, as I still have no idea what I did wrong with the other lot!

Anyway – the back garden is looking beautiful.

It’s been so well planted that at each point in the year, another shrub bursts into glorious colour.

I don’t know what anything is and at some point I do plan to make some sort of garden scrapbook to actually identify things and work out what they like, but for now, I’m feeling lucky that things seem to be thriving without too much tending from me.

I did need to saw a broken branch off one of the trees which was a shame, but it had sadly torn in the high winds we get here. It’s dumped by the shed for now, while I work out whether I want to try and make some sort of decor out of it.

The front is nicely planted too in that it’s very low maintenance.

The side bed with the daisies in is prone to weeds, but the front bed is so well covered, the weeds don’t stand a chance – my kind of garden!

And here’s my very favourite bit, the reason I planted those geranium seeds in the first place.

Everything is crossed that at some point soon, these pink planters by the front door will soon be ablaze with bright pink blooms (a blatant attempt to impress my neighbours who, being mostly retired farmers, are all *excellent* gardeners!)

Wish me luck, gang!

4 responses to “My garden: summer”

  1. Marli R Avatar

    It looks beautiful. How nice that someone knew what they were doing so that you can enjoy different flowers at different times.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      Yes! It’s a work of art. You literally have blooms all year long – and many of them pink too, so I’m very happy 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  2. robinsismai Avatar

    What a glorious garden!! Around here Hubby is the gardener. I just like to enjoy all his hard work lol He has a very green thumb and no matter what it is, it always seems to thrive under his care, except for my beautiful Aftican Violet that he inadvertantly murdered. I told him to water it from the bottom lol. Oh well, I’ve bought myself another and it seems to be really thriving, the blooms are gorgeous!! That African Violet and some succulents around the inside of the house seem to be the only things that grow well for me.
    I do hope that you’ll share the names of the flowers growing in your garden when you’re able to get it all figured out.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      I was hoping you guys would tell me what they are, ha ha!
      I’m sorry about your violet – what a shame! But how lovely to have a hubby who enjoys doing the garden. My hubby is not so keen and the one time he mowed the lawn, he made such a bad job of it that I took over the job.
      Wondering now if that was the idea, ha ha.

      Liked by 1 person

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