Selfie tips: face

I’m a huge fan of bathroom selfies. There’s something very kind to my 50-something face about the light in there.

And I don’t even care that my selfies all have damp towels in the background.

Here’s a few ideas for getting selfies you’re happy to work with in your projects…

Pull silly faces

Perhaps goes without saying, but a happy, fun face is going to look a lot nicer than a ‘resting grump face’-saggy jowels shot (pic 1) 😉

Try to get over how silly you feel and experiment with expressions. Accept that your face is what it is and for all its flaws, it has represented you well.

The more often you take selfies this way, the more quickly you’ll work out the expression that you like on you best.

I’m not a fan of my teeth, so tend not to smile too widely; but I really don’t mind my wrinkles, so don’t worry too much about a smooth face.

Pop pics into black and white and up the contrast

Really mess around with your photo editing software. You don’t need to know what you’re doing, just play.

Push dials up and down and see what effects you get.

I often love a really contrasty/bleached effect and then crop my pics so there’s whitespace for journalling.

Embellish the truth (!)

If you want a real self-esteem booster of a piccie (perhaps for a profile pic) and don’t mind a little fudging of the reality, you can do a few diy tweaks for a more filtered look.

I spent 30 seconds on this one and literally painted over my face with a brown paint, set to 10% opacity. A very flattering little glow-up, ha ha.

Crop the camera away

Cropping your final photo carefully can help give the illusion that you’re not stood in front of the bathroom mirror smiling like a loon.

The duffers can be cute too

I fully intend to use this blurry shot where the camera has focussed on itself.

It’ll be great as a full page in my scraptherapy book, perhaps with journalling over the bottom left portion or on a tag.

One shot will probably speak to you most

It may not be the shot that someone else would pick, but one shot out of your 20 or so (I wouldn’t bother taking many more than that – life’s too short) will probably feel most like you.

Or the you that you’d most like like to portray – that works too!

4 responses to “Selfie tips: face”

  1. Every Day On Display Avatar

    Nice tips! I dread the words, “submit a headshot…” We updated the work website last year, and guess what they wanted? Yep! Next time I’ll let your advice be my muse 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      There we go: next time, you’ll be there in the bathroom, snapping away 😉 Though maybe for a work shot, you won’t want damp towels in the background, ha ha xxx


  2. robinsismai Avatar

    I need to practice these tips. I’m terrible at taking selfies….mostly because I always wish I looked different lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suse Fish Avatar
      Suse Fish

      I think we all do! But I do think there are great benefits in accepting the faces and bodies we’ve been given: very good for the old mental health 😉 xxx


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